
Why a Movement?

A movement is a groundswell of people who band together around a common purpose in order to advance a beneficial change. A movement creates positive forward progress where like-minded people unite around a cause greater than themselves. They draw strength from one another. They accomplish more together than they can on their own. I’m creating the Aging With Attitude Movement to find and unite Baby Boomers who believe in living life on their terms. They want to live happy, healthy and active. They don’t accept the myths most people believe about aging. They believe the best years lie ahead. They still have a lot they want to accomplish. And they believe they have something significant to contribute that will change our world for the better.

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Join the AWAM Community

Our goal is to keep the Aging With Attitude Movement simple, fun, inspiring, relevant and helpful. AWAM is where you will find support to help you age successfully. AWAM is where you will discover encouragement and resources that will inspire you to life your life with passion and purpose. You will be challenged to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, especially those you love. We plan to create a forum where people like you can share positive, creative, dynamic ideas.

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It’s Time to Make a Difference

We believe that you are uniquely gifted and here on earth for a reason. As long as we are alive there is something positive and significant for us to do. We want to help you discover your inner greatness, what is yours alone to do, and unleash your greatness on the world. We exist to inspire and empower people age 50 and over to live passion-filled, meaningful lives that positively impact 2-3 generations.


People Who Are Making a Difference

“Most people say that you get old, you have to give things up. I think you get old because you give things up.”

Theodore F. Green, U.S. Senator

“I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming … suddenly you find – at the age of 50, say – that a whole new life has opened before you.”

Agatha Christie, Novelist

“Aging is an inevitable process. I surely wouldn’t want to grow younger. The older you become, the more you know; your bank account of knowledge is much richer.”

William Holden, Actor

Join Our Community

Our goal is to keep the Aging With Attitude Movement simple, fun, inspiring, relevant and helpful. AWAM is where you will find support to help you age successfully. AWAM is where you will discover encouragement and resources that will inspire you to live your life with passion and purpose. You will be challenged to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, especially those you love. We plan to create a forum where people like you can share positive, creative, dynamic ideas.

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